Tansley | Halloran


Going through a divorce is often emotionally taxing, financially challenging, and legally complex. It is imperative to have a Worcester Family Law Attorney who is well-versed in all aspects of family law and divorce litigation. Whether there are highly contested custody issues, or high-net worth asset disputes, Tansley | Halloran will provide you the tenacity that is required to obtain favorable results. Our attorneys will share their knowledge and experience of the process to advise you in the many decisions that will be made during the course of your divorce.

Divorce matters involve a wide variety of legal issues, including child custody, child support, alimony, division of assets and allocation of debt. They involve decisions that will have a tremendous impact on your family and your future. Our attorneys conduct a comprehensive analysis of your case and identify the specific needs and goals of each individual client. We are skilled in artful negotiation and drafting agreements that are customized and detail oriented to resolve your case while limiting the need for future litigation. At Tansley | Halloran we have extensive skills in zealous litigation. For matters that proceed to trial, we are always well-prepared for rigorous cross-examination, the presentation of expert witnesses, introduction of exhibits and persuasive oral argument.

Our combined background and experience have provided unique insight to the aspects of divorce that may involve domestic violence, restraining orders, and the Department of Children and Families. Understanding how these matters interplay with a divorce matter sets Tansley | Halloran apart.

Whether you are considering filing for divorce, or are amidst a contested litigation, the Worcester County divorce lawyers at Tansley | Halloran understand the process and will protect your family’s best interests.