Tansley | Halloran


Alimony may be awarded in divorce matters to ensure a financially dependent spouse’s ability to maintain the lifestyle they enjoyed during the marriage. Alimony is not required, but may be negotiated between parties or ordered by the Probate and Family Court. There are a variety of types of alimony, including general term alimony, rehabilitative alimony, transitional alimony and reimbursement alimony. In deciding whether to order alimony and what type of alimony to order, the Probate and Family Court will consider a number of factors, including the length of the marriage, conduct of the parties during the marriage, and the age, health, station, occupation, sources of income, and employment.

The family law attorneys at Tansley | Halloran are well-versed in the Court’s application of the factors as outlined by the legislature. We have experience in calculating alimony, identifying hidden or unreported income, and working with expert witnesses.

If you have an ongoing alimony matter, or your alimony order requires a modification, contact Tansley | Halloran.